Eclips Corporation UK Ltd
Zero Emission Waste Management
Company Profile
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Company Profile


The environmental impact and damage of waste pollution is now a matter of serious concern on a global scale and both local and national governments worldwide are under pressure to find more efficient and environmentally friendly methods of waste disposal.

The company was thus established with the prime objective of bringing "ECLIPS" - the Environmental Closed Loop Incineration Process to the world market, providing a true emission free technology.

Waste disposal with zero air emissions.


Technically - ECLIPS is a new type of thermal process having the reliability and safety of conventional combustion systems but without the associated environmental pollution, offering the safe disposal of municipal (MSW) and hazardous (HZW) waste with the unique advantage of no smokestack and no emissions.

Economically - it is a profitable process with global applications, encouraging a new approach to waste management. Waste is viewed as a valuable raw material, producing electrical power, steam, water, and key chemical by-products such as carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen (N2) and hydrogen (H) for industrial, domestic and agricultural use. See By-Products.

Politically - with no chimney/smokestack and no emissions it overcomes ''NIMBY'' objections and provides a new benchmark zero emission standard for thermal waste disposal with fast-track reduction in carbon dioxide emission levels.


ECLIPS with its closed loop technology enables:-
  Eco-friendly, sustainable & independent energy supply with low environmental taxes, clean waste management and economic stimulus.
  Waste disposal with zero emissions + embedded value from carbon tax credits.
  Installation time and costs 10%-15% lower than conventional thermal systems.
  High profitability due to high value saleable by-products. See - Investment


Environmental Management+Industrial Investment+Economic Growth
= "Real" Prosperity.