Power GenerationEclips can be configured as EfW (Energy from Waste) or CHP (Combined Heat & Power) plants with higher energy efficiency compared to conventional plants. Due to the thermal conductivity of carbon dioxide, the primary internal closed loop gas, having a higher heat transfer rate.
Plant Size in Tonnes/day 500
Operational Days Per Annum 325
Operational Hours Per Day
24 hours
Operational Availability 90
Typical Waste Energy Level 12.8
Energy Recovery Data
Plant Capacity 20.83tne/hour 500tne/day 146,250 tne/year
Plant Efficiency
Power Generation 18 MW
gross 14.2 MW net - after plant usage
Approximate Net 14.2 MWh 307 MWh/day 99,649 MWh/year
Energy for Sale
Electrical Supply 20,000 houses @ average supply
of 15 kWh/house